Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thanksgiving and more...

As William Wallace said to do in Braveheart ("Unite da clans") - we united the clans in San Antonio for Thanksgiving. The entire Bunger, Puskos and Beckman clan together at Jennifer's house. Good time had by all, lots of card domination by yours truely, and got to catch up with the yankees from Minnesota. 1st for them - swimming on Thanksgiving. And because any Bunger family get together wouldn't be complete without some sort of touch football game, we knocked that out as well. Here's a few pictures from that weekend.
Here's Crystal's latest belly picture and a couple new shots of the kiddos from our latest ultrasound and measurements. Both babies are doing great, are both a few days ahead of schedule size wise, and apparently are now attempting to kick each other. Lexy is still not impressed. Now that she's past 23 weeks, Crystal has to see her OB once a week, and we'll keep going to the perinatalist for ultrasound/growth measurements once a month until 32 weeks, and then more often after that point. Everything with her blood pressure, weight, etc. are great. He actually wants her to eat more, or at least more often, to which her response was, "does ice cream count?".
During the Puskos visit here in Austin during Thanksgiving, we were able to finish putting together the nursery. Cribs are in tact, and the changing table that Crystal's dad made us is in and ready to roll.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and having a good Christmas season so far.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We're having...

...well, you'll have to wait. We had our perinatal visit to take full measurements and got some good sonograms. The sonogram technician, we forget her formal title, is awesome and really walked us through all of the measurements and pointed everything out. From the brain development, head size, lips (checking for cleft palate), organs, 4 chambers of the heart, arm and leg bones all the way down to the piggies. Everything is great for both of the them, and they are both a few days ahead of schedule size wise. She made us look away from the big screen when she was "below the belly button" so that we wouldn't see (and Crystal wouldn't let me peak). She and the nurse put them in 2 envelopes for us to open at a later date. So you'll have to stay tuned. Here's a picture of Crystal at 18 weeks, the baby's profiles, and the guardian of the gender envelopes...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10-26-09 OB Visit

Everything is looking good according to the OB at our visit yesterday. No ultrasound (we'll do that at the perinatal visit on Nov. 10th), but they did monitor heartbeats and poked around her belly to ballpark the size of her uterus. The doctor was pretty funny when he pulled a tape measure while poking around and measured approx 26cm (saying normal single pregnancy's are measured in cm - for you non-math majors out there, her's is a little over 10 inches) and Crystal asked how big it would get. His response, "you're going to get pretty big". Both heartbeats sound strong and are good, around 150. We'll start seeing him every 2 weeks now. Coming soon - next ultrasound pictures, and her 16 week belly picture, as soon as we get that uploaded.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


All of those sayings you hear... double the pleasure, two times the trouble, double whammy, two peas in a pod... all apply to us. The news is out - I am officially pregnant............. with twins! Brett and I couldn't be more thrilled. I am not sure Lexy (the dog) is too excited about the idea, but she'll come around, right?? I am in week 15 (about 3 1/2 months). Due date is April 11th, hopefully I'll be able to keep them in the "oven" that long, but we expect them to make an early arrival. All is going great so far... I've been very tired physically, but my energy is starting to come back slowly so that is good news. I am ready to be out walking again and enjoying the cooler weather (so is Lexy!). Here is a picture of the two munchkins at 12 weeks... the picture of me is at 15 weeks -- belly is already out there!